Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Form/doc
-- Module:Form implements Template:Form
-- By User:Sophivorus
-- Version 1.0
-- License CC-BY-SA-4.0
-- Important!!! This is a global module!
-- If you make local changes, this wiki may no longer receive global updates
-- Please contribute from
local p = {}
-- Helper function to get a template parameter
function getParam( param, default )
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local args = {}
for key, value in pairs( frame:getParent().args ) do
args[ key ] = value
for key, value in pairs( frame.args ) do
args[ key ] = value
for key, value in pairs( args ) do
if key == param and value and mw.text.trim(value) ~= '' then
return value
return default
function p.main()
-- Make the form div and its attributes
local form = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form' )
form:addClass( getParam( 'class' ) )
form:attr( 'id', getParam( 'id' ) )
form:attr( 'style', getParam( 'style' ) )
form:attr( 'data-templatescript', 'Form.js' )
form:attr( 'data-template', getParam( 'template' ) )
form:attr( 'data-page', getParam( 'page' ) )
form:attr( 'data-section', getParam( 'section' ) )
-- Make the fields
for n = 0, 99 do
local name = getParam( 'field' .. n )
if ( name ) then
local field = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-field' )
local type = getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-type' )
field:attr( 'data-name', name )
field:attr( 'data-type', type )
field:attr( 'data-style', getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-style' ) )
field:attr( 'data-required', getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-required' ) )
if type == 'stars' then
local stars = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-stars' )
stars:wikitext( '[[File:Star empty.svg|20px|link=]]' )
stars:wikitext( '[[File:Star empty.svg|20px|link=]]' )
stars:wikitext( '[[File:Star empty.svg|20px|link=]]' )
stars:wikitext( '[[File:Star empty.svg|20px|link=]]' )
stars:wikitext( '[[File:Star empty.svg|20px|link=]]' )
field:node( stars )
local label = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-label' ):wikitext( getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-label' ) )
local input = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-input' ):wikitext( getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-value' ) )
input:attr( 'data-placeholder', getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-placeholder' ) )
field:node( label ):node( input )
if type == 'radio' then
local options = getParam( 'field' .. n .. '-options' )
for option in mw.text.gsplit( options, ',' ) do
local radio = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-radio' )
radio:wikitext( '<span><span></span></span>' ) -- Inner structure needed to simulate a radio button
radio:wikitext( mw.text.trim( option ) )
field:node( radio )
form:node( field )
-- Make the message div
local message = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-message' )
message:attr( 'data-sending', getParam( 'sending', 'Sending...' ) )
message:attr( 'data-sent', getParam( 'sent', 'Sent, thanks!' ) )
form:node( message )
-- Make the error div
local noscript = getParam( 'error-noscript', 'This form requires JavaScript.' )
local error = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-error' ):wikitext( noscript )
error:attr( 'data-namespace', getParam( 'error-namespace', 'This form cannot be used in this namespace.' ) )
error:attr( 'data-empty', getParam( 'error-empty', 'This form cannot be sent empty.' ) )
error:attr( 'data-required', getParam( 'error-required', 'Please fill the required fields.' ) )
form:node( error )
-- Make the submit button
local send = getParam( 'send', 'Send' )
local button = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive' ):wikitext( send )
local buttonWrapper = mw.html.create( 'div' ):addClass( 'template-form-send' ):node( button )
form:node( buttonWrapper )
return form
return p