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===Requirements Management===
===Requirements Management===
maintain a current and approved set of requirements
Requirements are the foundation of the program and requirements management process helps ensure delivery of capability that meets intended mission performance objectives.
Performance objectives are identified in operational terms at the system level during implementation of the Requirements Definition and Requirements Analysis processes.
The Requirements Management process helps ensure delivery of capability that meets intended mission performance to the operational end user.
The Subsystems Integrator these responsibilities:
*maintain a current and approved set of requirements
The end-user needs are usually identified in operational terms at the system level during implementation of the Stakeholder Requirements Definition and Requirements Analysis processes.
*thoughtful analysis and management of requirements insuring for system sustainability
*synchronization with the program’s Configuration Management process to mitigate unintended or unanticipated consequences
Robust Requirements Management, implemented in synchronization with the program’s Configuration Management process, can help the program to avoid or mitigate unintended or unanticipated consequences of changes through rigorous documentation of the system performance specification.
*rigorous documentation of changes to the system performance specification
Thoughtful analysis and management of requirements can help lay the foundation for system affordability.
===Process Responsibilities===
===Process Responsibilities===


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