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This template is a helper template for Template:Extension. It takes an extension type as a parameter and creates the wiki markup associated with that type. If you would like to add a new type, please add it to this switch statement. Do not add it to the Template:Extension directly.


  • type - a type. For allowed values, see documentation for Template:Extension. In additional to the allowed values, two special values exist to facilitate the coding of Template:Extension:
    • _demomode_ - suppresses the addition of categories. The type name that should be displayed is passed as the second parameter, e.g. {{Extension/TypeSwitch|_demomode_|tag}}. Template:Extension uses this as its value when the template is in demo mode so that it doesn't add category links to the host page.
    • _missing_ - adds the host page to Category:Extensions with invalid or missing type but does not display a label. Template:Extension uses this as its value when no type parameter was provided.