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Preset Values

status = Beta

maintainer = [http:// Kronos]

version = 1.0.0

update = 2018/03/06

mediawiki = 1.28 (LTS)

license = GPL-2.0+

Template documentation
{{ {{TNTN|ITaskTrackerExtensionInfobox}}
|compatibility   = 
|download        = 
|phabricator     = 
|name            = 
|author          = 
|description     = 
|image           = 
|example         = 

fix values set in this template

status = Beta

maintainer = [http:// Kronos]

version = 1.0.0

update = 2018/03/06

mediawiki = 1.28 (LTS)

license = GPL-2.0+

values to set at extension page

compatibility =

download =

phabricator =

name = MyTestExtension

author = me

description = hello world

image =

example =