07May2020 Minutes
Call To Order
An Engineering meeting of the OC Engineering club, was held on May 7th, 2020. The meeting convened at 3pm, called to order by Raymond Simpson via Zoom Chat. President Raymond Simpson presiding, and Yuval Martin(Officer), a quorum being present.
Members in attendance
- Raymond Simpson
- Yuval Martin
- Joel Martin
- Eric Ma
- Isaac Ferraro
- Naomi-Lynn Miller
- William Tablan
- Sara Anders
- Darisse Rancap
- Nathalie Peterson
- William Tablan
- Sara Anders
- Jess Macinko
- Cameron Zimmerman
- Gregory Legister
Old business
- Raymond and Joel shared highlights of meeting Club Congress
- New Foundation Head and the Club getting the Bank account
- Fund Raising explanation to club members
- Announcement of the OCRobotX Facebook Page request by Dr. Tuncol
- Members are continuing one on one recruitment
- Members are encouraged to get resume online
- Members are encourage to help write documents
Business Cards
- Are still on the list to be acquired now with the new logo
Club Logo
- The Logo has been adopted, with the colors Blue and Gold
Current EE Club Project: Holonomic Drive Robot
- Project Goals where discussed
- Joel showed a version of the robot with temporary wheels for development
New business
Introduction of New Members to RobotX Project
- Introduction of new members.
- RobotX project scope, overview, wiki.
- Introduced Joshua Stark-Dykema(Keyport Engineer), and he talked about Project Management, Capstone project, and Mentoring
Next Meeting
- Next meeting planned in 2 weeks, May 21st.
Approval of minutes
Motion was made by Raymond Simpson, and seconded to approve the minutes of the 07May2020 meeting. Motion carried.
The meeting was officially adjourned at 1700. Respectfully Submitted by Joel Martin and Yuval Martin